Friday, February 09, 2007

Vicodin Is My Friend

Well, It's been a unique day.

It all started at 10:45am as I checked in to the Ambulatory Surgical Center at St. Luke's in Bethlehem. Within minutes, I was in the "prep" room, getting vitals and being informed as to what will be happening. By noon I was laying on the gurney, I.V. inserted, hair net in place, little hospital booties on my feet and a very small gown wrapped around me. About 12:30 I received an injection in the I.V. to help me "relax"as they wheeled me into the O.R. Then . . . I woke up about an hour later. I have no clue what took place during that hour but I was told that all went well.

After a couple of hours in recovery, 2 pieces of toast, some coffee and a very successful trip to the little boys room, I was told I could go home.

I've just completed a very long awaited bowl of chicken soup and will spend the next 48 hours or so with some new found friends. . . Vicodin and Ice Packs.

Thank you all for your prayers and I'll keep you posted over the weekend.

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