Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Spiritual Impotence

OK, I know I already posted today but I came across Perry Noble's Blog entry and I had to link to it. Perry is the pastor of NewSpring Church in Anderson, S.C. What he has to say to Pastors and church leaders is incredible.

Here's a bit of what Perry had to say:

The church has ALL that it needs…an empty tomb, the Bible, the Holy Spirit…and combine those with the technology that none of the Apostles had and–DANG–we should be making noise!

BUT the stats on the church in America are sobering. Over 80% have hit their max and are now declining. Around 3,500 churches every year are shutting down…and over 80% of church plants fail within the first three years. NOW putting this into business terms…if a business operated like this then it would go BANKRUPT! Is that where the church is heading?

Check it out the entire blog entry by clicking here.

For those of you who call The Carpenter's Church your church home, let's grab the vision, put passion behind our actions and reach Northampton County for Christ.

Hang on, it's going to be an awesome trip!!!!!!!!

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