Tuesday, March 20, 2007

'til Death . . . Home Run!!!!

Well, it's Tuesday morning and I'm working through all of my "Tuesday morning, first day back to work after the weekend" stuff on my desk. I've had a few minutes to reflect on the 'til Death series that we just concluded and I must say, God knocked one out of the part on this one.

This series has been, by far, the most requested, talked about and impacting message series we've ever had here at The Carpenter's.

We've heard from many people about the impact this series has had on them as individuals, their marriages, their families and the families of people they know. We've had more requests for CD's of this series than any other series in the history of this church. The best part about this entire 5-week series is that we know of at least 12 people who gave their lives to Christ during a message series on Marriage. It just blows my mind that God would chose to use topics like Sex, Men's and Women's roles in the marriage, Communication and Affairs to bring people to Him . . . but He did.

It's really amazing being on the leadership team of a church that is being totally intentional about sharing the Gospel with people and them helping them take their "Next Steps" in their own spiritual journey.

Check back here in a day or two and we'll make an official announcement about the new series that we'll be launching on Easter Sunday. It's going to rock!!!!

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