Friday, March 16, 2007

Don't Monkey Around With Eternity

Today was a very interesting day. We're getting hit with a snow, sleet and ice storm, I almost missed a breakfast appointment this morning and I did my first funeral today.

The funeral was for the uncle of a woman in our church. His name was Bill. One of Bill's favorite sayings was, "I Don't Want To Be Monkeying Around With That." It was this saying that I built my message around. I told the attendee's that "Life is Precious, but you Don't Want to Monkey Around with Eternity." You see, Bill died of a heart attack just last week. It was totally unexpected and none of us knows how many days, hours or minutes we have left. While God intended us to live life to the fullest we have to ensure that we don't Monkey Around with Eternity.

There are a ton of people here in the Lehigh Valley who are monkeying around with eternity. If they were to die today, they would be facing a Christ-less eternity. This is why, we (Christ Followers) can't monkey around with eternity either. We can't afford to be fighting amongst ourselves and allowing Satan to distract us from the work God has called us to do. Eternity could be just around the corner for your co-worker, relative, neighbor, friend or family member. So, do whatever you need to do. Put these people in a position to hear about God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Either share Christ with them or invite them to church this Sunday.

Let's not be Monkeying Around with Eternity and let's get down to the work God has called us to do!

Who's With Me?

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