Monday, March 17, 2008

I Want To Be . . . Jack Bauer

Last January, Jennifer and I began watching the 6th season of "24." After just a couple of weeks, we were hooked. We didn't miss an episode and if we had to, we DVR'd it so that we could watch it as soon as we got home.

If you are a "24" fan at all, you know the new season was put on hold due to the writers strike and Jack won't be back until January of 09. However, Jennifer and I have been able to maintain our "24" fix, thanks to Jennifer's sister, Jovine (pronouced Javeen). She owns the first 5 seasons and Jennifer and I have been methodically watching all of them. In fact we are currently about 6 episodes away from the end of season 5 and then I'm not sure what we're going to do until January.

One of the things that amazes me about Jack Bauer, aside from the fact that he doesn't eat or use the bathroom for an entire 24 hour period of time, is his commitment. Jack has a dedication to his job, his country, his goals and his duty like no other man I've ever seen. Over the 5 3/4 seasons that we've watched, Jack has given up his family, his wife, his daughter, his friends, his co-workers and his life for his cause. He's willing to do "whatever it takes" to get the job done, protect his country and save the world.

What if we, bible believing Christ followers had this same kind of dedication to saving the world as Jack does? What if we were willing to lay down our lives, give up everything we are and all we have for the sake of Christ Jesus?

In our Connecting Point on Friday night, we are going through the book of Romans and last week we read Romans chapter 9. I was convicted by Paul's convictions in verses 1-3. What if we had this same kind of conviction and dedication to reaching those who we care about, those who are in our sphere of influence?

How much different would our world be if we were more like Jack . . . Dedicated to the cause. . . of Christ?


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