Monday, January 14, 2008

Good News!

I can't believe it's the 14th of January. I just realized that I've only posted 2 times in 2008 and that's unacceptable. Statistics tell me that people from 15 states and 11 different countries visited this site in 2007. To those of you who check out my thoughts on any kind of consistent basis, I say . . . I'm Sorry.

However, I have Good News!

This past weekend at NewSpective Church, I spoke about being disturbed by the status quo. The status quo on this site is that over the past year, I've posted only 91 times. That means I've posted less than 8 times per month and less than 2 times per week. If I'm going to say no to the status quo, that means I need to kick it up a notch.

One of the purposes for this site is to share what God is doing in my life and in the ministries that I'm privileged to be a part of. God is certainly more active in my life than 2 times per week. So, I'm going to attempt to carve out more time to share what's going on and what God is teaching me. I pray that as you read my musings, you too will be encouraged to be more intentional about sharing Christ with those in your sphere of influence.

I believe that God is getting ready to do something really crazy at NewSpective Church. Our partners are stepping up, giving time, volunteering to serve, giving money and taking steps to make our Easter Launch a reality. Our current series of talks called, "Facing the Giants" is really going to stretch us to prepare our fields to receive all that God has for this valley. The "Free Movie" night on February 10th is going to be a great opportunity to start creating some buzz in the community. More about that event in a week or so.

NewSpective, the next few months could get totally out of hand!!! And that's a great thing!!!!

Stay tuned. Who knows what might happen next.


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