Friday, July 20, 2007

10 More Big Ones!

Well, it's Friday and Avalanche Ranch is winding down. We've had an amazing week and the kids have had an awesome time. There have been over 140 kids here and they've experienced music, media, drama, crafts, service, snacks, stories and tons of fun.

However, the best part of the week was yesterday's closing session. The story of Jesus was shared clear and straight forward. At then end of the session the kids had the opportunity to accept Jesus as their forever friend. Yes, 10 kids prayed that prayer and accepted Jesus. The applause and "Yee-haw's" were almost deafening and I can't even imagine the party that was going on in Heaven yesterday about 12:00. There were several parents in the room as well.

Tonight we'll host a Family Roundup where the Kids can show their parents what they've learned this week. It's going to be awesome. Come out and have a great time, even if you're child isn't here.


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