Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Wonder?

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was the Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180. He was once quoted as saying,
"Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be. Become one yourself!"

I wonder if we waste too much time trying to fix other people, rather than being the best individual we can be?

I wonder if we waste too much time trying to disciple other people, rather than being a disciple and authentic Christ follower ourselves?

I wonder if we waste too much time trying to reprimand other people, rather than taking care of ourselves and taking our concerns to God in prayer?

I wonder if we waste too much time trying to tell others what to do, rather than actually doing the best we can at what God has called us to do?

I wonder if we waste too much time trying to fix our own problems, rather than allowing God to work through us to accomplish His will in His timing.

I don't know about you but I don't want to waste time talking about great souls and how they should be, I want to become one myself and allow Jesus to be reflected in me everywhere and all the time.

I wonder . . .?

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