When I heard this information I was instantly defensive and angry. However, I've had a chance to reflect on it and I've come to this conclusion. Rather than get angry, I need to pray for this person to come face to face with Jesus. They apparently have a very messed up view of who He is and who we are, as a result of the Blood of Christ. I mean for any "Christian" to pray that another local body fails, simply because this person left out of anger and immaturity is sad. We, any authentic Christ Followers, are the body of Christ and we MUST work together to reach our world. Not everyone will like The Carpenter's and that's OK. However, we all need to plug into our local church, serve, tithe, support and be used by God to reach those He's called us to reach. We have 165,000 people in our county who don't know Christ and this person is praying that we reach them with one less church.
However, I also received a card yesterday in the mail. It was from a woman who attends The Carpenter's and it is the reason why we do, what we do. It is the reason we put up with the immature "adults" who are being used by Satan to attempt to derail what God is doing.
Here's a quote from this letter.
"I felt I should drop a line of encouragement to you. My husband has not quite been the same the past few weeks. It's a good thing . . . I'm not sure what part of what you shared hit home with him, but it did. For the first time in years I see rays of hope again where things were getting very grim and bleak. Thanks for being faithful to proclaim God's truths even if it's not aways the popular thing to do or what many want to here."
Ladies and Gentleman, this is why we do, what we do! Lives being changed by God's Truth.
This weekend Tucker will continue our 'til Death message series. If you know anyone who needs restoration in their marriage or is on the brink of divorce, do whatever it takes to get them here this weekend. It's going to be awesome and could just change their life.
Remember: God's love, changing lives, is what it's all about.
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