I'm reading a new book by David Ferguson called "The Big Idea" (If you are a church leader and you've not read this book, I highly recommend that you drop whatever it is that you are doing, after you finish this blog, and get this book in you hands. It's awesome)
Anyway, in David's book, chapter 1, page 16 he states a statistic that blew me away. He says,
"Even though there are more big churches that ever before filled with people who proudly wear the title Christian, 50 percent of Christian churches didn't help one single person find salvation."
Now, take a moment to re-read that statement and digest it for a moment. 50 percent of the "Christian Churches" in America didn't lead one person to salvation.
If our churches aren't leading people to Christ, then what are they doing? I don't see any passage of scripture that suggests that we have a responsibility to feed the full, dress the clothed, care for the healthy or facilitate a social club. I see Jesus telling us to "Go and make disciples." He tells us to go and tell people about me, go and find people who are willing to follow me, to learn about me and to put that knowledge into practice by telling others about me.
Juan Carlos Ortiz once said,
"The average Christian is educated to at least three years beyond their level of obedience."
That means we have a ton of churches that are educating people in theology and those people aren't using that knowledge to minister to or reach a single soul. I don't know about you but I don't want to be a part of either of these shocking statistics.
Over the past 4 weeks of the 'til Death message series, we've seen 7 people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We've heard stories of marriages being restored and families being strengthened as a result of God working in the lives of people. The Carpenter's Church is intentional about evangelism and sharing Christ with our Community. We are programing our services and special events purposely to put people in a safe, comfortable, relevant environment so they can come face to face with Jesus.
We are making a difference and will continue to make a large impact on this community for Christ. Join us as we carry out God's vision for this church, this community and the world around us. It's really exciting to see what God is doing and I for one am looking forward to what He will continue to do.
Why do none of your blogs have any comments?
I really don't know. Why didn't you leave your name?
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