Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Great Stuff From Perry

Perry Noble, pastor at NewSpring, had a great blog post today. I don't want to add to it or take away from it so . . . .

Click Here and read it for yourself.

Then, come back here and leave a comment and let me know what you think. I believe he and his team are spot on and every church in America should be asking the same question.



Anonymous said...

Since when were the early church leaders considered "paid professionals"?

Steven said...

While I don't normally post Anonymous comments, I decided to allow this one so that I can ask . . .


Is that your comment/question?

With all the great stuff that Perry said in this post, why are we stuck on this phrase? Mr or Mrs Anonymous has hit the nail on the head. They are a prime example of what Perry is talking about. We're missing the forest for the trees. We're concerned about "Paid Professionals" and don't seem to be concerned at all about why the "church" in America has completely dropped the ball.

Why aren't more churches asking the tough questions that Perry and his team were discussing? Why have we move so far away from what the early church was all about? I guess I just don't get it.