Friday, November 23, 2007

Keepin' It Real

I've been blogging for a little over a year now. At times I've been very diligent and post several times per week. There have been times when I've gone weeks without any post and times when I've posted several times in one day. There have been times when I've had very few, if any, people read my thoughts and then other times when the hit count seems to go through the roof. During this entire year, the look and feel of has remained fairly constant.

However, I recently changed the header at the top of my site and I've had some "interesting" comments about the new photo. I've heard everything from "I laughed out loud when I saw it", to an implication that I'm hiding from something because my eyes aren't visible. Over the year I've had people comment on various post. Some people think I'm nuts, some people think I'm too deep, others think I'm not deep enough and the list could go on and on.

The reality is that I maintain this site and post my thoughts for one primary reason. I want those people whom I do ministry with to see my heart. I want you to get to know me. Sometimes I'll post about my family. Sometimes I'll post about seeing God is some strange place. Sometimes I'll post about a sports team I like. Sometimes I'll post about what God is teaching me. Sometimes I'll simply list a bunch of random thoughts and sometimes I'll post about the great taste of a Starbucks coffee.

There will be times when I simply state a thought:
The Buffalo Bills Lost again!
I love my wife!
I don't like Cold Weather!

And there will be other times when I'll post something like today's Starbucks experience.

You see I was in Starbucks (or St. Arbucks as some may call it) today for about an hour and a half. I enjoyed a Venti bold coffee. No cream, no sugar, just straight up bold coffee. When my meeting was over and my coffee was gone, I went home. But for the rest of the afternoon I continued to smell coffee. Apparently the coffee smell had penetrated my clothing and I continued to smell it long after I left the store. It made me think about how a good message or "God Experience" should stay with us long after the service is over or the study is complete. After all, isn't that the point. Shouldn't the God of the universe penetrate our being? Shouldn't the creator of the world, the Son of the living God stick with us all day, every day? I mean coffee is just coffee but God is God!!

I guess my point is this. With my goal being to expose my heart to those I do ministry with, sometimes that will be a heart in change. Sometimes it's a heart that's in a deep place. Sometimes it's a heart that's laughing out loud and sometimes it's a heart that is hurt. However, I pray that it will always be a heart focused on God and running after His purposes.


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