Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Birth

I had the privilege of being in the delivery room when both of my daughters were born. It's truly an amazing experience. You've waited, prepared, prayed and "think" you're ready. Then all of a sudden, in a few moments, your world is turned upside down. You're life is never the same and you find yourself experiencing a plethora of emotions.

Fear, excitement, joy, anticipation, apprehension and wonder. You begin asking yourself a few questions: Did we do the right thing? What if I'm not a good parent? What if I drop her? What happens when she gets hurt? What if she grows up and runs away from home? What if she grows up and doesn't like me? What if I screw up and then she's screwed up for life?

Last night I felt very similar emotions. A group of Christ Followers met in a living room and began dreaming about what could happen if God chose to radically revolutionize the Lehigh Valley, right before our very eyes. After several hours of vision casting, questions, discussions and prayer, NewSpective Church was born.

All the details aren't known, all of the people and plans aren't in place yet. However, God is doing something really special and it's amazing to be a part of it. I am feeling fear, excitement, joy, anticipation, apprehension and wonder. I'm asking myself all kinds of questions. But what I do know is that God has ignited a flame and what He desires will come to pass.

It's going to get really crazy, so hang on and enjoy the ride.


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