Thursday, April 05, 2007

It's Not Too Late!

You've noticed that I've not posted much in the past couple of days. My wife and kids have been off of school for Spring Break so we headed South and spent a few days with Tally. We visited some friends, did a lot of nothing, spent some time with Hershel from Sonlight Church and heard some great stories of what God is doing down there and just arrived home last night. So, the next two days are going to be very busy as we gear up for Friday night and Sunday morning. It's going to be awesome.

By the way. I want everyone to know that it's not too late to invite people to our Good Friday services (tomorrow at 6:30 pm & 8:15 pm) as well as the kick off of the new "24" series that starts this Sunday on Easter morning. It's going to be awesome and you're not going to want to miss it. Let me just say that if you don't bring someone to Good Friday you're going to be kicking yourself.

I also want to challenge The Carpenter's Members and Regular Attenders to fill up this building on Easter morning. All it will take is each person bringing one guest with them this weekend. It's just 1, uno, one. You don't need to bring 50, although if you want to, that's cool. Just one.

I'm telling you. Test God in this and see what He does. It's going to be amazing.

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